5.50 prometheus v4 cfw torrent

Custom Firmware 5.50 prometheus 4 PSP.
[原创]PSP1000/PSP2000非v3国产自制固件: CFW 5.50.
Prometheus 5 bei Amazon
0 Hot on the heels of CFW 5.03 Prometheus v4, homebrew coder Liquidzigong has also updated his custom firmware for PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 (TA88v2 or below) models.
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Custom Firmware 5.50 Prometheus updated,.
Custom Firmware 5.50 Prometheus-3 v4 Installer. Custom Firmware 5.50 Prometheus-3 v4 Installer extracts all of the needed files correctly on your PSP

Nesse video vou explicar como vazer o upgrade da CFW 5.50 GEN-D3 para a PROMETHEUS - 3 v4 espero que gostem. linck da CFW PROMETHEUS - 3 V4 : http://www