is vicodin safe with breastfeeding

Advice for mothers using Vicodin while breastfeeding. Includes possible effects on breastfed infants and lactation.
Vicodin and Breastfeeding Because of some severe pains I've been prescribed Vicodin. I was wondering if anyone has had experience taking Vicodin
Is Vicodin Safe during Breastfeeding
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Taking Vicodin with Ibuprofen, safe?. Breastfeeding -
Vicodin is a Category C pregnancy medication indicating that it may cause adverse effects for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
is vicodin safe with breastfeeding
Vicodin Safe for Breastfeeding
Vicodin use while Breastfeeding |.
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is vicodin safe with breastfeeding
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Just has all 4 of my wisdom teeth out today. DS was being a punk and headbutted me 2x in my jaw We are only nursing every 48 hrs, since we're weaning. He did nurse